Expansion to the award-winning, post-fall fantasy tabletop roleplaying game set in a rampant ocean of verdant green...

Roughcut Rules Download

The following is a compressed editorial edition for review prior to publication.

What's Missing: high quality images, background transparencies,, content pages, page reference numbers, the Kickstarter backers section, and a number of final art assets.

Please help us finalize this document by filling out the editorial form below. The final version will be released 1-2 weeks after this release.

  • Premade Character Sheets

    PDFs of the character sheets for The Wildsea. Print and use on your campaign.

  • Premade Ship Sheets

    PDFs of the ship sheets for The Wildsea. Print and use on your campaign.

  • Music of The Wildsea

    Add the sounds and songs of The Wildsea to your game with the original soundtrack.


Some three hundred years ago the empires of the world were toppled by a wave of fast growing greenery, a tide of rampant growth spilling from the West known as the Verdancy. Now chainsaw-driven ships cut their way across dense treetop waves, their engines powered by oilfruit, rope-golems, honey and pride. 

You play a wildsailor, part of a motley crew consisting of humanity's weathered descendants, cactoid gunslingers, centipedal fungi, silk-clothed spiderfolk, and other, stranger things. With your fellow crewmembers, you'll journey across the lingin' tide discovering charts, pursuing drives, and avoiding mires of the deep. 

The Wildsea hungers and grows, roots sinking deep into the forest floor as the waves above ripple with life. What will you discover in its depths?