Skies of Fire #1 - Now Available on Comixfix

Skies of Fire #1 - Now Available on Comixfix

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick update to let everyone know that Skies of Fire #1 is now available on ComicsFix

The business model for Comics Fix is interesting; publishers get a slice of the pie based on the overall clicks their books get. We're not sure how lucrative this model is, but we're willing to give it a go to see what happens. 

We're still in talks with Comixology Submit to get the book on that platform. Once we're up on both it'll be interesting to see which one is more lucrative for small publishers like ourselves. My hunch is that it might be the direct sales (Submit) model but you never know. At this point our short term goal is to expand our readership as large as possible. 

Meanwhile, progress continues on issue two and our new series. Everyone at Mythopoeia has been working furiously since the start of the New Year, and we're really excited to show everyone the fruits of our labor - once its ready. 

So stay tuned! 

- Ray
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