Mythworks is coming to GEN CON!

Mythworks is coming to GEN CON!

Hey folks,

Hope everyone is ramped up this week for GEN CON! Mythworks is proud to be making it out for the show. It's always a great feeling to be in the hustle and bustle of the table-top scene. 

This year, we will be joined by the amazing creator of The Wildsea, Felix Isaacs.

A big congratulations to them both for their amazing nominations at the Ennies, and for Slugblaster to receive the Game of the Year award at the Indie Groundbreakers Awards!

We are proud to be partnering up with Mikey Hamm of Slugblaster to make Slugblaster 2.0 a reality! Stay tuned! 

We will also be having copies of our new Forged in the Dark pamphlet game - CBR+PNK. Created by the talented Emanoel Melo, this is a game for the chooms out there who want to explore more of the cyberpunk underbelly. 

Ray will be running games and chatting with con-goers, so be sure to drop by Booth 2668 and join fellow Mythopoeians exploring these unique worlds!

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