We’re back again for another select pick of some of the latest to hit the world of comic books. Enjoy!
Midgard is broken, and as heroes of Asgard and Earth alike start to sift through the pieces, new heroes – and villains – emerge. What’s next for Jane Foster, now free of the hammer she was willing to die to hold? Thor’s brother Loki faced a terrible fate in the War of the Realms – and now the god of mischief must make himself anew. For the Punisher, the war isn’t even close to finished – but this time, he’s got his own army. And for Thor himself, destiny has finally arrived. The God of Thunder strikes out for a whole new adventure!
Yesterday saw the publication of Marvel's The War Of The Realms: Omega #1, the final chapter of The War Of The Realms (even though Unstoppable Squirrel Girl still has a crossover to go) and a few post-war comedowns. Avengers #21 has plans to focus the issue around the exploits of a She-Hulk. One thing to be careful of is that Thor #15 should also be read before tackling The War of The Realms: Omega #1, just in case. Because Thor has scenes where she gets a little too close to the Hammer of War that will be relevant to the plot of TWATR.
Image Comics has officially announced November, a series of graphic novellas from writer Matt Fraction (previously written Hawkeye, Sex Criminals) and artist Elsa Charretier (previously penning Star Wars, Infinite Loop).
November - which has been a source of intrigue and excitement since appearing in Image's September solicitations - follows three women, whose lives intersect in a dark criminal underworld. As fire and violence tear through their city over the course of a single day and night, they find their live are bound together by one man, who seems to be the cause of it all.
November, vol. 1 will be available in comic shops on Wednesday, November 6th and bookstores Tuesday, November 12th. It is the first in a sequence of three graphic novellas by Fraction and Charretier, with colours by Matt Hollingsworth, lettering by Kurt Ankeny and book design by Rian Hughes.
November, vol. 1 will be available in comic shops on Wednesday, November 6th and bookstores Tuesday, November 12th. It is the first in a sequence of three graphic novellas by Fraction and Charretier, with colours by Matt Hollingsworth, lettering by Kurt Ankeny and book design by Rian Hughes.
According to an article by bleedingcool, a casting call was announced in the last few days by Warner Brothers for; ‘JAPANESE (actors) for LEAD roles (18-20’s). And people to play ASIAN (Japanese a plus) for other LEAD & SUPPORTING roles (teens 18-20’s AND kids 9-11)’.
As fast paced and gripping as the 1988 animated movie of Akira was, Hollywood have been looking for a way to replicate its enormous well-earned success Stateside for many years.
As fast paced and gripping as the 1988 animated movie of Akira was, Hollywood have been looking for a way to replicate its enormous well-earned success Stateside for many years.

Now, it looks like they’re finally starting to get cooking. Casting for the movie was set the begin in July 2019, so it seems that process has begun. If you are an Asian actor living in or near California, apply for it. You could play Tetsuo!