Social Media by Dole777

Announcement: Social Media Consolidation

Hey Everyone! 

We have an important announcement regarding our social media. 

What is Changing?

We will now be only active on three social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Across all three platforms, we are trying to claim the handle @mythopoeia.

Most notably for Facebook, we are trying to merge our @skiesofire and @glowcomic handles into one consolidated one for just Mythopoeia. We are working with Facebook and Twitter right now to enforce the trademark we have on Mythopoeia and hopefully claim the handle @mythopoeia. 

Why are we making this change?

Over the years we've realized that we're not very good at social media. Part of the problem is that we just have too many accounts spread across too many platforms. From now on, we'd like to be organized, timely, and up to date with our social media presence and that means consolidating accounts. We're making this announcement as part of Facebook's policy to merge accounts on pages. 

What does this change mean? 

Expect to see news about both Glow and Skies of Fire on the new combined handle, as well as any new projects we have coming up. Expect more frequent announcements, as well as one account across the multiple platforms where you can get the latest news about what's going on with Mythopoeia and our comics. 

If you don't wish to see content from both comics, please feel free to unfollow us. We're sorry for the inconvenience but believe that long-term this move will help us better serve our fans going forward!


Thanks everyone! Let us know if you have any questions or comments. 

- Ray and Vince
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